Top 8 Smartphones Myths about You should Forget

8 Myths About Smartphones You should Forget

Hey Guys,If you own a smartphone, you know the struggle of battery-life and performance issues in older models. Most of us were also told that there are certain ways we should treat our devices in order to keep them working in peak condition, preserve battery, etc. You’ll be surprised to learn that some of the things we all think to be true are, in fact, myths:

Myth 1:-  Overnight Charging is Bad for the Battery

It’s safe to leave your phone plugged in charging overnight. Smartphones are smart phone that they do not let an overload happen. Once the internal Lithium-ion battery hits 100 percent, charging automatically stops. When you leave the phone overnight for charging, it constantly trickles the charging which reduces the phone’s life. It is recommended to use the certified cable for phone charging.

Myth 2: - Wi-Fi / Bluetooth Drain Your Battery

Bluetooth and wifi both are very useful and important features of a smartphone.when you keep them turn on and don't use them then they strain a very little amount of battery. yes if use them to transfer files or connect devices then they start drain the battery.

Myth 3: -Only Use the Original Charger

Brand manufacturers recommend to use only official charger just because to earn from accessories.and it is a myth that using a third party charger can decrease the battery life.yes you should not buy any cheap or counterfeit or local charger but affordable off-brand chargers are ok to use. different chargers charge the smartphone at different is safe to use another brand charger to charge your phone.

Myth 4:- Apps running in the background use up battery

This is definitely a myth for anyone with an advanced smartphone. Recent handsets tend store apps on your smartphone’s RAM so that opening them back up is quicker. This means that apps that haven’t been fully closed down are not technically using up any notable power as they snooze in the background.
To sum up, apps that are ‘running’ in the background are not actually active and therefore are not using up your battery.

.Myth 5:- You Should only use the charger that Came with  your                                          phone            
This smartphone myth only puts money in the phone’s manufacturer. Ensure that the replacement charger output voltage and current rating matches the original charger and it is approved by manufacturer.
The charger approved by the manufacturer is safe to use.
Myth 6:- Automatic Brightness Settings Save Battery

Modern smartphones usually come equipped with a light sensor that can automatically raise or lower the brightness of your screen according to lighting conditions. You may think that this component helps you save battery, but if you truly want to save battery, dim the screen manually, and only increase the brightness when necessary. The reason is that the sensor actually uses more power by communicating with the phone’s processor to decide on what the brightness should be.
Myth 7:- More Megapixels = better camera

Before buying a new smartphone people used to judge camera quality just by looking at a number of megapixels. The picture quality of the camera depends upon the quality of lenses and sensors .some smartphones have an 8 or 12 megapixels camera but have pro picture quality.
More megapixels do mean a higher resolution image. However, unless you’re zoomed in, or want to print the image on a larger scale, you probably wouldn’t notice the difference between 8MP and 12MP. When selecting a camera, you're better off looking for a large aperture, optical image stabilisation, depth of field capabilities, and a wide angled lens.
Myth 8:- You Should Drain Your Battery Completely Before charging

If you had to wait for your battery to run out every time you charged it again, it would quickly become an annoyance. Luckily, this is far from the truth.
Most smartphones now come equipped with modern Lithium-ion batteries. This means that regarless of how much charge you have left, it’s completely up to you when it gets charged.

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